Thursday 8 January 2015

Get it get it

So it turns out consistency really does get you results! you might not see them right away, but keep at it and you will. I am noticing that I am getting stronger and fitter and it's making my workouts more rewarding and therefore encourages me to keep coming back for more. It's a cycle and the more you do, the more you can do and want to do.  We are all stronger than we think and can do more than we thought we could.

Yesterday at the dojo we had to try and lift as heavy weights as possible for just 1 set of dead lift- squat clean, squat with weights and push press and I managed with 35 pound dumbbells- so 70 pounds! Woohoo. And it didn't feel that bad. I don't know why but I never would have even attempted that before. My flexibility has improved so I am able to get lower and use my legs more. 

After doing what felt like a gazillion squats,  drills, lunges, jumps on and over the bench, and the weight set mentioned above, we were told we could chose between: 5 minutes of squat clean thrusters, or 5 minutes of burpees jump to a target.. hmm. It was hard to decide which was worse but I couldn't bring myself to voluntarily do burpees,  so I chose the weights. After the 5 minutes we looked like this:

I stole that photo from Jamie's instagram. I am in the back left. 

Afterwards, we we were told one last workout. As there were just a few minutes left, I thought maybe we would do abs or hip complex. No such luck. It turned out that we had to do the workout we didn't chose! WTH.. so I had to do the 5 minutes of burpees after all... sneaky sneaky.  I guess sometimes it's better not to know what's coming. Hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? or so they say anyway. 

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