Monday 10 November 2014

Tarantula's Day 29 (I'm counting down)

Okay, Eleanore. Challenge accepted.

Yesterday, I did a 10K run, followed by a Goodlife Bodyshred class. Then I went to my friend's house to build a gingerbread house with his son...which was singularly frustrating because he kept eating the frosting, causing the house to repeatedly collapse. But, I digress (and will do so often). And, at least I didn't eat the frosting, making for a strong Day 30.

Tonight, my plan is to go to the gym for BodyPump and a core class. All of this is in fulfilment toward my 30 day objectives, ta-da:

My Weekly Plan

At least three times a week, I will BodyPump, CXworx, & BodyShred. Four-to-five times a week, I will run, including a long run on Sundays. Once a week I will play soccer (starting Nov 21, so that's a bit of a late start, but oh well). I will throw in bonus activity throughout, like a spin class or yoga or something.

My long run schedule

Nov 9: 10km
Nov16: 15km (what? Is this wise? No. But, I need to get to 20 and pronto-like.)
Nov 25: 18 km
Nov 30: 20 km

And eat well. As in healthy.


I am open to suggestions. My inspirational phrase was going to be "one step at a time." I searched for a photo on the web to try to accompany this phrase and was shocked to see how many times it shows up as a tattoo on someone's foot. I'm afraid, therefore, I am still looking for an inspirational phrase as I can't show a similar level of zeal for the phrase "one step at a time." This brings into question whether it is the right phrase for me. Then again, maybe it's more a problem that I should find a different measure of commitment. Yeah. Something I'd Crayola on my bathroom mirror. That opens the field!

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