Thursday 14 February 2013

Paleo Meals, photos and update- Day 3

Good morning,
I am now on day 3 of eating Paleo and it is going quite well. What really stands out so far is that I rarely feel hungry in between meals. Whereas before I would be starving by 10-11am, now I get hungry at 12-1. I haven't felt any sugar cravings or cravings for things I can't eat, except if I am hungry and haven't eaten yet at a meal time. As soon as I eat my meal, the craving goes away and I am left full and satisfied.

In the past few days, I have shopped at Loblaws, Hartmans, Bulk Barn, Grace Ottawa and my parents cupboard. It takes a little while to stock up on paleo staples, such as Ghee, coconut milk, sweet potatoes, almonds, so many vegetables, meat etc. I finally feel like I have most of the things I need, although I am pretty sure I will run out of eggs quickly, and need more meat or fish soon too.

Here are some photos of the meals I ate yesterday:


2 eggs over easy; 1 piece of bacon; 1/4 avocado; coffee with 1 T coconut milk


Honey Mustard Chicken- It actually doesn't have honey, just coconut oil; mustard, and basil salt; and a salad with balsamic vinaigrette (not shown)


Kale chips; Steak served on onions- yellow pepper; African carrots ( garlic, coriander, cumin, lemon juice)

I went to my athletic conditioning class last night so I have gone twice this week- so far on course for goals.

The weekend will be a lot tougher with my sister visiting and meals at my parents. How is everyone else doing? what have you noticed so far?

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