Wednesday 9 January 2013

Day 1- Getting Off on the Right Foot

I hope you are all excited to start off the challenge today! I woke up about an hour before my alarm pumped and excited to start things out right. For me, exercising in the morning is a great way to make sure I get my workout in before the craziness of the work day sets. 

Whatever time of day you like to exercise,  try and plan ahead.  Decide what time and what type of exercise you will do, and what clothing or gear you will need. 

Today I worked out at home on the spin bike and elliptical skier..while watching How I met Your mother on Netflix. I like to wear a heart rate monitor to make sure my effort is in check, and that I am not slacking. 

I do not always have a spin bike at my disposal, so it's good to have options for workouts to do at the gym, at home with minimal equipment, outside..

If you are looking for ideas for ..

..Cardio Workout At the Gym - one of my favourites
Warmup on the treadmill for 5-10 minutes
-Run 1km as fast as possible
-Row 1000m as fast as possible
repeat run/row 3 times, write your overall time down.

..Barbell Strength Workout At Home or At the Gym- put together by RachelArms, Chest, Shoulder, & Abs
3 sets of 12 reps of the following exercises- 
-Alternating biceps curls
-Triceps kickbacks
-Bench press
-One arm row
-Lateral raises
-Side bends

.. At home workout DVDs
- Jillian Michaels: 30 day shred, 6 weeks to 6 pack, ripped in 30
- P90X
- Insanity 

...Smart Phone Aps:
- Nike Training
- My Trainer Bob
- Couch to 5K

.. Outside
- Walking 
- Running/jogging
- Making a snowman
- Shoveling the Driveway
- Cross Country skiing or snow shoeing

- dance
- yoga
- spinning
- barre
-athletic conditioning (Douvris!) or crossfit

The important thing is to stay active! 

What is your favourite go-to workout or activity? 

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