Monday 28 January 2013

Day 20- Inspire Someone

Challenge yourself to inspire and motivate one person in your personal life, a family member, close friend or significant other.

Whether it is encouraging that person to take the plunge and sign up for their first 5k race, to eat healthier, to try a new fitness class or to get out for a walk. 

One big thing is to lead by example. Often times when people see your success, they will be motivated to try it also.

Sometime people just need that extra bit of encouragement.  Last Monday I was feeling sore and tired, and was already thinking up excuses as to why I shouldn't go workout that night. Rachel suggested I go anyway, and if necessary just use lighter weights. So I went and I felt so much better afterwards (not during!!!) Thanks Rach :)

I came accross a list of ways to inspire and motivate people:
- Stick with what you love
- Think Big
- Be expressive
- Practive What You Preach
- Keep An Open Door
- Offer a Guiding Hand
- Be consistent
- Stay Positive

As Martine said, helping others can have a positive impact on your life and be very rewarding.

Some of you motivate and help others as part of your job or through volunteering. I find it can be even more challenging when it is someone that is close to us. Is it because it's harder to be tough on them?  How do you motivate friends and family?

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