Friday 11 January 2013

Day 3 - A healthy start to the day - breakfast

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Right? And yet, so many people skip breakfast. I don't think I could start my day without breakfast, any kind of breakfast. If I don't eat within 30 minutes of waking up, I would probably look like this.

But you also don't want to start your day with the wrong kind of breakfast. Pepsi and Joe-Louis is really not the way you want to start your day. A good breakfast should keep you full until lunch time, and give you the energy to start your day. I am becoming acutely aware of how important this is, since Wednesdays and Thursdays, my lunch hour is only at 1pm. And lab and clinic time means that I do not have time to grab a snack.

I usually wake up at least an hour before I have to leave for school, to have time to prepare and eat a good breakfast.

Here are a few of good healthy breakfasts. I have also tried to add in some fast breakfast ideas, and make-ahead breakfast in case you don't have time and want to grab something while running out the door.

- Cereal: try to get a good cereal with fiber, and low sugar. The benefit is that you can get milk with this. Add in some fruit (bananas or berries) for a little extra flavor.

- Oatmeal: this is one of my favorite breakfasts. It is the ultimate comfort breakfast on a cold morning (ok, Toronto doesn't get THAT cold...). Add in some fruit for some extra flavor. If you want extra fiber, try steel cut oats, they take a little longer, but you can cook them in the slow cooker, and then time isn't as much of a factor. Here is a good recipe that I like.
- If you find you run out of time in the morning, try a breakfast bake! Make it on the weekend, then  you have breakfast for the week! Here and here are two good options.
- Toast with nut butter, and fruit on the side is fast and a great option.
- Smoothies are amazing! They are incredibly fast to make, and as long as you have a little protein in them, they are surprisingly filling. I make them with my Magic Bullet, and just fill the cup with whatever I happen to have in the fridge. I like to add either dessert tofu or some yogurt to my smoothie, then fill up the cup with fruit; banana, mango, berries (frozen at this time of year!), and/or some greens like spinach, kale or swiss chard, basically whatever I have on hand. You don't taste the greens, but they add more nutrients to your smoothie! This is great if you don't have much time and are running out the door in the morning. A little green monster to start your day!
IMG 8958 thumb1   Classic Green Monster

There are a thousand ways to start off the day with a healthy breakfast, these are just a few ideas. What are your favorite breakfasts?

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