Wednesday 16 January 2013

Day 8 - Self Motivation & Sticking with your Goals

For those of you that don’t know, I am a chiropractor. I work within a network of other chiropractors called Maximized Living. We are on a mission to change the way people view and manage their health.

On Monday night, we held a weight loss workshop. We started by briefly talking about how to stick with your goals. This largely revolves around our own beliefs. A good point that was made is that “your” truth is not always “the” truth. For example, if you believe eating healthy is too hard, too expensive, not possible, etc… that is just a belief you have. And it is a lie. If you think healthier foods don’t taste good, have a different texture, or similar, it is just a belief you have due to what you have grown up with. This does not just apply to healthy eating. Tell yourself you can do something and you will do it!

If you’re having trouble reaching your goals, do this simple exercise. Take a piece of paper and write the following on it:

I’m too _____________.
I’m not _____________ enough.
Because of ______________ I won’t be successful.
(Fill in the blanks with your own words.)

Now, put a big X through this and next to it write THE TRUTH. Stick this in the mirror you use to brush your teeth and read it every single day.

I will share with you mine so you can get an idea of what I mean. Mine applies to my goal of owning my own practice.
I’m too stubborn. I’m not confident enough. Because of my self-doubt, I won’t be successful. I am broad-minded. I am confident. Because of my self-assurance and inner strength, I will be successful.

Another great (and simple) exercise you can do is visualization. Maximized Living chiropractors treat a number of Olympic level athletes. One of those athletes became the first ever American to win a medal in Judo (and it just so happened to be gold) at this summer’s past Olympics. At our workshop, we got to watch this athlete go through her visualization, which she did every single night before bed while she was training. Prior to going to bed, this athlete would run through her entire day at the Olympics where she wins gold; starting from the moment she wakes up to the moment she is on the podium crying while they play her national anthem. Throughout running through her day, she constantly tells herself “This is my purpose. This is my day. I feel strong. Etc …” So try this with yourself if you’re having trouble sticking with your goals. For example, if you want to make it to the gym in the morning, imagine yourself at the gym the night before, feeling strong and looking good.

Good luck! My next post will focus on the nutrition we talked about during the weight loss workshop. It will be lengthy, but highly informative! 

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