Wednesday 23 January 2013

Day 15: Procrastination challenge

Today’s challenge involves something so ingrained in our basic human nature that I already know everyone who will read this does it.

Yes I am talking about procrastination. We all do it whether we’re even aware of it or not. I even procrastinated on writing a blog about procrastination. And because I know a lot of us will put off taking a picture of our meals for at leat another day (although I have to say I  think this is a truly great idea El, and I will email you…maybe after tomorrow??). 

SO anyways back to today’s challenge.
Since we all do it, how can we help ourselves procrastinate a little bit less? The truth is that it is often harder to mentally activate ourselves to start a task than to actually do said task. Therefore, the key must lie in the activation of the task we are putting off, even if it means finding ways to trick ourselves into doing it!  Basically, we need to lower the activation energy that it takes to do the task we’ve been putting off.

An easy example that a lot of people can relate to is trying to run in the morning. If one of your goals is to this at least twice a week and you’re determined to do it, but having a hard time getting up in the morning and getting yourself ready to run, an easy way to lower the activation energy of this task would be to have your running gear ready and right next to your bed. This way you are eliminating a whole lot of excuses that your brain will likely try to tell your body when it is still half asleep.

The truth is that a lot of the "science" between overcoming procrastination is to trick your mind into doing something before it even realizes it’s doing it.
Today I challenge you to take on a task you’ve been putting off. Consider what has been getting in the way of you starting this task. Then consider how you can lower the activation energy it will take to get your butt moving! We all know that once you’ve started something and get some momentum, it starts to get a lot easier.

What goal or task have you been putting off that you will choose to activate today?

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