Tuesday 22 January 2013

Day 14- 15- Keeping yourself in Check

Mid week challenge!

Sometimes we think we are eating  healthy, but in reality, all the bad choices here and there can add up. It's easy to focus on the healthy dinner we made, and simply forget about the dessert we had after it, the breakfast we skipped, or all the snacks we ate as we were preparing dinner (guilty as charged!).

I challenge you for 1 day (tomorrow or another day at your convenience) - to document- photo evidence- everything you eat. Just take a quick snapshot. This will help keep you in check when you see at the end of the day what you have eaten. Keep in mind that you should be consuming enough for the amount of exercise you are doing.

For an extra bit of fun, email your meals/snack photos to a friend (with a quick description of what it is) at the end of the day, or the following day, it could be someone doing the challenge or whomever you like. This will help keep you accountable, and it could also give that person meal and snack ideas.

I will be doing this tomorrow, and it will definitely be a reality check.

Think you eat healthy? prove it!

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