Monday 7 January 2013

The Habit creation challenge: 30 days can change your life!

The new year brings reflection, optimism and hope for positive changes and new beginnings. At no other time do we ponder and discuss the endless possibilities for change as much as the first few weeks of January. 

The tendency to set resolutions and goals at this time of year is at times scoffed or look down upon, which is understandable when we consider the rise and decline of gym attendees between the first week of January and the beginning of March. However, the renewed motivation, focus and drive for self-improvement that we experience at the beginning of a new year are hard to resist, and why should we? Hope, the desire for self-improvement and the momentum that these can create should not be wasted!

This is in fact a perfect time to start a challenge, a challenge that will involve small manageable daily changes. However, rather than just maintaining these changes for a month, we hope that these new daily habits will become a natural part of our everyday lives. Therefore these changes should be challenging, but realistically maintainable long-term.

They say it takes 28 days to form a habit. Over the next 30, we plan to set goals, challenge ourselves, create some healthier habits and transform these into permanent lifestyle changes. We hope to encourage others who are also feeling motivated to use this momentum and take the plunge towards a healthier life!

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