Saturday 22 November 2014

About time! (better late than never was already taken...)

First of all I want to thank all of you for all of your inspiring posts! It makes it that much easier to keep going and to push myself a little each day to know that so many people are doing the same thing.

Also, I want to thank Katy for the 30 day calisthenics challenge and planting the seed to get back into the challenge mode; and El for re-kick starting the blog and getting so many more people to join!

As for the 30 day challenge, it has not always been easy but it's definitely been a positive aspect of a pretty heavy month. My main goal was to do the calisthenics, and not only have I been doing it, I'm actually enjoying it! I think I'm kinda hooked on the adrenaline of it...and I want to keep doing some variation of it after the 30 days. 
The best part is that I've gotten my students into it too! Ideally I try to do the majority of the exercises first thing in the morning, but on days when I spin or run in the AM or am just short on time; we've been doing the exercises in gym class. I've turned it into a challenge in which my students try to beat their own records and then they get to challenge me to beat the best score (burpies/ minute etc.) in the class. Little do they know they're helping me in my 30 day challenge journey :).

Another goal I sort of decided on the fly is to not straighten my hair in the month of far, so good and I'm learning to like how my hair looks without the straightener.

I havent' managed to keep the gratitude journal daily but am doing it more often...

And I already have some ideas for December goals! (We are planing to do this again right??) :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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