Wednesday 19 November 2014

Rest Days

Good morning and happy hump day! The week is flying by.

So, yesterday was an unplanned rest day for me!

Actually, all  of my rest days are usually unplanned. I figure if I try and workout most days, there are bound to be some days where it just doesn't work out. I was really busy at work and had a lot to get done by end of day.. I was bummed about not being able to go, so thought I could dash over do a quick body combat class. I have been in the mood to do some kick box lately. [ not enough however to do the kind of kickboxing that will cost me $323742380 dollars a year. And no, not even if you wave the crazy $200 dollar fees that were just there to be waved in the first place so you feel like you are getting a discount. grr!! I hate when people try to pressure you into joining their club. ]

Anyway, I wrote to Tamara about body combat and she reminded me that the classes were cancelled yesterday. So I took that as I sign that the gym just wouldn't work out. I am glad I did as I worked late and was even late to my photo class. Luckily I didn't miss a thing even though I was nearly half an hour late.

On another note, I was absolutely starving yesterday! I could not stop eating. I think it is this cold weather.

Today things have calmed down and I plan on hitting the gym..I am thinking body pump. I haven't done weights in a while.

Oh I came cross this article yesterday on body fat and sacrifices etc- found it very interesting.

The cost of getting lean

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